A large sombrero with elegant, graceful lines makes for a wonderful photo, but the overhead sun often leaves the subject's face lost in deep shadow. For the longest time, I had avoided taking photos in this kind of situation. But in these...
A large sombrero with elegant, graceful lines makes for a wonderful photo, but the overhead sun often leaves the subject's face lost in deep shadow. For the longest time, I had avoided taking photos in this kind of situation. But in these...
In Mexico, where there are more saints (official and unofficial) than days available on the liturgical calendar, every day is a fiesta somewhere in the country. Even the cowboys have their own holiday. El Día del Charro -- the Day of the Cowboy...
In the countryside of Jalisco, the way of the cowboy remains a lifestyle for a distinct few still practicing the 16th-century art of charrería. Apart from the daily clippety-clop of horse hooves on the cobblestone streets, the cowboys are a fixture of the many holiday...
Here are a few images from the overcast February días de Carnaval in the bullring in Ajijic, Mexico. After a parade through town, the cowboys, kids and families end up at the local bullring for games, bull roping, horse dancing and other tricks.
All images © Dane Strom